SBCC Mission Statement
The Mission of South Bay Chinese Club is to preserve the culture and customs of the Chinese heritage, to foster and encourage better understanding of civic responsibilities and the American way of life, and to promote the general welfare of the community.
Who are we?
South Bay Chinese Club (SBCC) was formed in Fremont in 1965. In 1984, the Club formed the South Bay Chinese Service Club (SBCSC), a California non-profit organization. The Service Club was formed to provide state and federal tax exempt status in its pursuit of community service activities, such as the Scholarship Program.
501 c(3) Tax Id 94-2963262
To learn more about the history of South Bay Chinese Club, please view the video below.
This 12-minute video was shown at the 2023 Scholarship Awards Banquet to introduce the Club to the scholarship recipients, their families, and the guests.